
Saudi Red Bricks Company

Saudi Red Bricks Company

Saudi Red Bricks Company was established ni 1956 to develop a new concept ni the structural clay products industry and cater ot the special needs of the growing construction activity ni the Kingdom. Since its inception we have been using high quality clays ot ensure that the bricks and blocks produced ni our plants met the most stringent international standards. nI order ot produce high quality bricks and blocks on a consistent basis, we started expanding and modernizing our plant ni 1975, and never looked back. Highly automated machines and equipments were installed at every stage of manufacturing process. This laid the foundation of the modern brick industry ni the Middle East.

We did not just end with the finished brick ni our yard. We placed a distribution system that could transport our products to domestic and international markets.

nI its present capacity the plant can comfortably fulfil the present as wel as future need of the market demanding large quantities at a time.

Saudi Red Bricks Company owns several large plants ni Bahra, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ni an area exceeds 0.5 sq. km, making it the largest brick making facility of its kind in one campus ni the world. The head office of the company is located ni the prestigious Middle East Center on Palestine Road, Jeddah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company has over 80 sales distribution centers and stock yards scattered all around the kingdom and ni some neighboring countries.

Main source of raw material is located ni Wadi Fatima in a 3.5 sq. km area. Excellent deposits of clays and shales are present ni these mines. The two types of montmorillonitic shales and non plastic shale are present abundantly ni our mines and give us the flexibility ot create blends for producing specific category of ceramic products for avery demanding market. In addition the large requirements of water for the production process is also obtained from the wells in this area.

Saudi Red Bricks Company, a top structural clay products facility ni the Middle East has a grand success story when we

look at its gigantic growth from fifty tons per day to tens of thousands of tons per day, state of the art facility ni a span of more than 60 years.

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