
Deemah United Food Industires Corp.LTD.CO

By 2025, Deemah will be the Saudi pride leading brand; Offering “A Billion Satisfaction” to its stakeholders.

Deemah empowers its people to maximize shareholder returns by:
Continuosly exceeding customer and consumer expectations with our brands.
Continuously delivering an excellent range of products.
Effectively developing its organizational and technological resources.

Certifications / Quality Management of UFIC

UFIC is a leading manufacturer of quality products in the branded biscuits, confectionery, snack, Instant Drink Powder, chocolate & cake categories in kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is the only company in the Kingdom biscuit industry which is ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2018 and Halal Food certified.

We are committed to total satisfaction of our consumers, product quality, safety, Halal Integrity and environmental protection. We care for our employees as much as we care for our brands and our consumers. This we believe is possible by providing quality products through hygienic, environment friendly processes and practices maintained according to National, International standards and applicable regulations addressed in UFIC Integrated Management System.

In order to support quality management, we have an agile quality control department where quality is ensured at all steps. From inspection of raw material to finished product, every critical processing is monitored by our Quality team. The Quality, R&D, Supply Chain and Production workings are in lined with the international standard specifications.

Being an ISO & Halal certified company, we ensure that all our material, processes and distributions are ensured as per approved quality & food safety standards while keeping human safety first with friendly environment. We value our supply chain processes and business strategic partnerships with our suppliers / customer to follow quality & food Safety standards to ensure consumer safety & protection.

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