Saudi Arabian Ductile Iron Pipes Co. Ltd. (SADIP)

Saudi Arabian Ductile Iron Pipes Co. Ltd. (SADIP)

Saudi Arabian Ductile Iron Pipes Co. Ltd. (SADIP) A pioneer in the Middle East, Ductile emerged in January 1988 as a visionary joint venture  A pioneer in the Middle East, emerged in January 1988 as a visionary joint venture between the esteemed Saudi Arabian AMIANTIT Co., the region’s leading pipe manufacturer, and the formidable Pont-a-Mousson.

Renowned for its unparalleled expertise and over 130 years of experience in ductile iron pipes and fittings, Pont-a-Mousson not only supplied the technology and equipment but also partnered in knowledge and process development. This collaboration ensured SADIP’s rapid growth and success.

Saudi Arabian Ductile Iron Pipes Co. Ltd. (SADIP) proudly holds the distinction of being the first plant in the Middle East to utilize the centrifugal production process for ductile iron pipes. Their steadfast commitment to quality is reflected in their adherence to rigorous standards like ISO 2531, BS EN 545, and SASO 1020. This dedication culminated in the prestigious King’s Award, a testament to Saudi Arabian Ductile Iron Pipes Co. Ltd. (SADIP) unwavering pursuit of excellence in both processes and products.



  • Pipes (with various combinations of protective coatings)
  • Fittings (with various combinations of protective coatings)


Product Range & general information

  • Ductile Iron Pipe, Socket/Spigot Ends (DN100mm to 1000mm)
  • Ductile Iron Fittings, Socket/Spigot Ends (DN 80mm to 2000mm)
  • Ductile Iron Pipes, Flange Ends (DN 80mm to 2000mm)
  • Ductile Iron Fittings, Flange Ends (DN 80mm to 2000mm)




Ductile iron pipes can be supplied with deferent Classes depends on the size as stated in the reference standards ISO2531, BSen545 & SASO 1020  i.e. K9, C40, C30 & C25. Socketed pipes and fittings PFA (Allowable Operating Pressures)*:

Socket pipes (K9) Socket fittings
Allowable Operating Pressures Allowable Operating Pressures
(excluding surge pressures) (excluding surge pressures)
DN bar DN bar
80 64
100 64 100 64
150 64 150 64
200 62 200 62
250 54 250 54
300 49 300 49
350 45 350 45
400 42 400 42
450 40 450 40
500 38 500 38
600 36 600 36
700 34 700 34
800 32 800 32
900 31 900 31
1000 30 1000 30


Socket pipes (C-Class)
Allowable Operating Pressures
(excluding surge pressures)
DN C-Class PFA
200 40 40
250 40 40
300 40 40
350 30 30
400 30 30
450 30 30
500 30 30
600 30 30
700 25 25
800 25 25
900 25 25
1000 25 25


Flanged pipes and fittings pressures:

DN PN10 PN16 PN25 PN25
80 See PN16 16 20 25 See PN40 40 48 53
100 to 150 See PN16 16 20 25 25 30 35 40 48 53
200 to 600 10 12 17 16 20 25 25 30 35 40 48 53
700 to 1200 10 12 17 16 20 25 25 30 35     –     –     –
1400 to 2000 10 12 17 16 20 25 25 30 35     –     –     –


* PMA (Allowable Maximum Operation Pressures) = PFA* 1.2

PEA (Allowable Maximum Hydrostatic Test Pressures) = PMA + 5 bar




Pipe Joints

  • Standard Push-on joint:

SADIP designs its standard push-on joints to create a secure, leak-proof seal. As water pressure increases, the gasket compresses against the metal, ensuring a tight connection.

  • Advantages:
    • Easiness of assembly
    • Allowable Joint Deflection

SADIP socket – spigot joints permit angular deflection which gives the following advantages:

  • Accommodation of ground movements as shown in the diagrams below.
  • Allowing adjustment while installation.
  • Reducing the number of bends required.
  • Locked Standard Push-On Pipes:

Locked push-on pipes function similarly to the standard type. However, they include a weld bead near the spigot end (at distance “a” in the diagram). This weld bead enhances compatibility with restrained joints, which are essential for above-ground installations.

For a complete restrained joint system, SADIP provides the necessary accessories, including: Glands / Rings / Bolts / Nuts.


SADIP offers flanged pipes and fittings in various specifications, including PN10, PN16, PN25, PN40, BS10, and ANSI, based on customer requirements. The length of flanged pipes can be customized according to agreements between the customer and the plant, with options for puddle flanges if needed. Additionally, flanged fittings are manufactured according to the dimensions specified in the SADIP catalog.

  • Mechanical & Express Joints:

Collars supplied with mechanical or express joint depending on the customer requirements and in line with the dimensions and details given in SADIP catalogue.



Advantages of Joints:

Features Push-in joints Mechanical joints Self-anchored joints  Flanged joints
Angular deflection YES YES YES NO
Resistant to axial forces NO NO YES YES
Jointing force required YES NO YES NO


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