Enza Relays & Timers

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Earth leakage relays

An earth leakage relay is a device used to sense earth leakages and open a circuit breaker when the leakage current exceeds the preset value. It can protect human beings from electrocution and prevent fire hazards. Earth leakage relays are used in combination with Core balance current transformers (CBCT) or zero phase current transformer (ZCT). Earth Leakage Relay is an industrial grade control device used for protection purposes. The main function of the ELR is to monitor the circuit for leakage / ground fault current and trip in case the leakage current exceeds the set point.

Under voltage relays

A relay that has contacts that operate when the voltage drops below a set voltage. Undervoltage relays are used for protection against voltage drops, to detect short-circuit faults, etc. The main function of the relay is to sense or detect the abnormalities in the circuit and to send a message to circuit breaker to break the circuit. In case of undervoltage relay if the voltage in the circuit or system is less than prescribed value it will disconnect the circuit with the help of circuit breaker

Star delta timer

star-delta timing relay is used for start-up control of three- phase motors. The time in star operation is continuously adjustable in the respective time range. As standard, the device is offered in 4-time ranges and 3 contact changeover times.

Enza Relays & Timers


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