
NAN® 3

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In addition to a variety of beneficial ingredients like Bifidus BL, Lipid Smart (DHA), Vitamins (A & D), and Minerals (Iron, Calcium, Zinc), NAN®OPTIPRO 3 also contains a specialized blend of proteins called OPTIPRO®. This ingredient is especially important as experts say that proteins play a significant role in making all our body systems work properly, including immune defenses, digestion, and metabolism. Some proteins your child receives early in life have an impact on his health on the short and long term.

Nestlé’s Commitment to Breastfeeding:

Breastfeeding is best for babies. Henri Nestlé stated this soon after founding our company in 1867. This principle still forms the cornerstone of our Infant Formula Marketing Policy. We are committed to serve the best interests of mothers and babies around the world.

We adhere to all national government measures implementing the WHO Code globally. In higher-risk countries, we voluntarily and unilaterally apply the WHO Code whether or not national regulations exist.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months of life and continued breastfeeding for as long as possible. As babies grow at different paces, health professionals should advise the mother at the appropriate time when her baby should start receiving complementary foods.

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NAN® 3


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NAN® 3

Product Name: NAN® 3