Prefabricated Substation & Customized Solutions

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Eaton Arabia supplies Prefabricated Substation solutions (E-Houses) for Oil, Gas & Petrochemical clients and industries including custom-designed Power Centers for onshore and offshore applications.

E-House solution integrates major power and control equipment into prefabricated electrical buildings (PEBs) that are easy to install and maintain. These “E-Houses” provide HVAC, lighting, security and motor control for Oil & Gas operations utilizing our switchgear and motor control centers.
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A large prefabricated substation (E-House) by Eaton Arabia, elevated on a platform, designed for oil, gas, and petrochemical applications.


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A large prefabricated substation (E-House) by Eaton Arabia, elevated on a platform, designed for oil, gas, and petrochemical applications.

Product Name: Prefabricated Substation & Customized Solutions

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