
SCCC is dedicated to providing comprehensive personnel life support services, including catering, housekeeping, janitorial, maintenance, custodial, recreation, laundry, landscaping, fire prevention, security and other services. Whether on a lonely offshore rig or an ocean barge, a mobile pipeline construction camp or a large construction complex, a small-scale unit or a large industrial giant, SCCC aims to relieve the strain of life from the client’s field staff, whatever the conditions may be helping to maintain the high productivity and motivation of the client staff, so crucial to any project’s success.

SCCC’s strength lies in its proven expertise and experience in varying working conditions, with matching resources to conduct vast operations in remote locations. From city houses to offices, to camps of varying dimensions, SCCC renders all the necessary housekeeping and janitorial services. The recreation and related support services cover a wide range of needs: operation of canteens, recreation halls and snack bars, mail services, projection rooms, close circuit TV, barber/hairdresser salons, upkeep of swimming pools, even organisation of sports tournaments and games. SCCC takes pride in its capacity to offer its clients high quality, cost-effective and flexible solutions to their problems if and when they arise.

With a strong staff strength of 5,500 people of various nationalities, SCCC today serves 5 million meals a month.


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